New Webinar: 5 Habits of High Performance Laboratories

Brad Beutler   |     20, May 2013

Northwest Radiology Network Selects Healthcare CRM and Business Intellig...

Bryan Kohlmeier   |     14, May 2013 Named Red Herring Top 100 North America Finalist

Brad Beutler   |     09, May 2013 Client HICL Delivers Powerful Presentation on Healthcare BI & CRM

Bryan Kohlmeier   |     01, May 2013 and client Manhattan Labs Featured in Dark Daily Article

Brad Beutler   |     30, Apr 2013 Wins TechPoint Mira Award: The Experience

Chris Brown   |     29, Apr 2013

Radiologists Learn About Utilization Tracking at RBMA Conference

Mark Bridenstine   |     22, Apr 2013

Adventures in BI: Business Intelligence solutions training with

Matt Nagle   |     11, Apr 2013

hc1 Business Intelligence Training

Diane Nagel   |     09, Apr 2013

We Know Lab CRM, We Know Business Intelligence, We Know...Chili?

Brad Beutler   |     05, Apr 2013

Another World - Achieving Service Excellence

Esther Friend   |     26, Mar 2013

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