Last Wednesday, April 24th, The Dark Daily featured and client Manhattan Labs in the article, "New York City Clinical Laboratory Uses Mobile Devices to Provide Its Sales Teams with Real-Time Business Intelligence from its CRM."

To improve its competitive position in the often difficult clinical laboratory testing market of New York City, Manhattan Labs has implemented the cloud-based, lab-specific customer relationship management (CRM) and Business Intelligence (BI) solution. The article goes on to explain the growing trend of clinical laboratories now using middleware and similar informatics solutions that serve up detailed information about the performance and operation of the lab all in real-time.

"Our lab company had many of the problems most medical laboratories have managing the data needed to support the best client relations," explains Laura Johnson, Vice President of Marketing at Manhattan Labs, before activating the cloud-based CRM solution.

The main competitive advantage: By arming their sales team in the field with lab-specific CRM and BI via mobile devices, they can now deliver faster answers to client service questions.

Read more about Lab-Specific CRM by downloading this Dark Daily Whitepaper.

You can find the full Dark Daily article here.

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