On April 30th, as part of the annual Executive War College event for clinical laboratories and pathology groups taking place in New Orleans, Hosptials In Common Laboratory CEO Kris Bailey shared the organization’s experiences using hc1.com’s lab-specific CRM and business intelligence capabilities to proactively manage internal performance and deliver ongoing value to clients.


“Like many labs, we have faced past challenges created by disparate data sources and the difficulty of not having a clear, real-time view of general trends; in addition to a holistic view of each client,” said Ms. Bailey. "With the right solutions in place, we’re now able to keep a real-time pulse on the critical intelligence necessary to efficiently and effectively manage our relationships while optimizing internal operations.”

Robert Michel's Comments about the Session:
“Clinical laboratories are under increasing pressure to improve quality even as lab budgets shrink. The use of business intelligence solutions at Hospitals In-Common Laboratory is consistent with the hot trend in the lab testing industry: the increasing use of business intelligence and dashboards that give lab managers an accurate, real-time picture of work flow. The utility and importance of these business intelligence solutions will be the key theme of Kris Bailey’s presentation at the Executive War College.”

On that note, you may also be interested in this recent Dark Daily Article featuring another hc1.com client, Manhattan Laboratories. 

Dark Daily - April 24th, 2013
New York City Clinical Laboratory Uses Mobile Devices to Provide Its Sales Team with Real-Time Business Intelligence from Its CRM


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