Lizzie Mooney

Posts By Lizzie Mooney

hc1 Release Preview

Lizzie Mooney   |     12, Jul 2016

Introducing hc1 6.0!

Lizzie Mooney   |     20, Jun 2016

MACL & hc1 - A Journey With Healthcare CRM

Lizzie Mooney   |     14, Jun 2016

A Brief Intro To hc1

Lizzie Mooney   |     09, Jun 2016

Are you riding the wave of healthcare disruption?

Lizzie Mooney   |     02, Jun 2016

Lessons In Customer Success - What I Learned At Pulse 2016

Lizzie Mooney   |     25, May 2016

5 Key Takeaways from Executive War College

Lizzie Mooney   |     11, May 2016

hc1 6.0 Preview

Lizzie Mooney   |     03, May 2016

Just the Highlights: Recapping "5 Risks Your Lab Will Face in 2016"

Lizzie Mooney   |     26, Apr 2016

Event Preview: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Standard Connectathon

Lizzie Mooney   |     21, Apr 2016

Introducing hc1's Friends & Family Referral Program! 

Lizzie Mooney   |     22, Mar 2016

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