While the ability to access powerful software functionality over the web without the burden of maintaining servers and costly software has become commonplace in most industries over the past decade, the healthcare industry has only begun to embrace this important shift to healthcare cloud computing over the past several years.  

Aside from certain core clinical processing systems, the high performance healthcare entities that are positioning to succeed in the new accountable care environment are aggressively adopting healthcare cloud computing to perform important analytics and healthcare CRM (customer relationship management) functions.  

Every day, I come across an increasing set of compelling examples that support this trend.  This morning I read an article titled "Cloud front breezes along briskly" in Healthcare IT News that states - 

With its ease of installment, functional versatility, cost effectiveness and seemingly limitless capacity, cloud computing is taking the healthcare IT landscape by storm. There are many different deployments happening at facilities across the industry as providers search for ways to improve their computing power, inject vitality into established systems and utilize the cloud's potential for clinical, financial and administrative purposes.

The article goes on to provide an example of a stem cell research program that has achieved dramatic increases in their access to cost effective computing power by leveraging the cloud to perform analytics and handle storage of vast amounts of data.  

Examples of healthcare cloud computing increasing performance and success among diagnostic laboratories are also growing increasingly abundant every day.  The days of lab management tools and lab tracking software being installed, customized, documented, and managed by an already over-taxed IT team are quickly coming to an end.  

With the hc1.com lab-specific healthcare CRM and lab analytics solution, no hardware or software are required and lab executives are able to access actionable client intelligence in real-time.  With shrinking reimbursements and increasing competition, this is a compelling approach that eliminates large capital expenditures and provides the lab with a partner that is constantly optimizing the solution to address the specific needs of the medical laboratory.  

You can see the article that inspired this post here:


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