The rapidly-changing laboratory industry and the regulations that determine the course of your business present a wide variety of challenges for your day-to-day lab management responsibilities. You’ve sought out because you need a laboratory-focused solution that gives you efficient access to key performance indicators that help you make critical business decisions at the speed of light. But any solution loses value and effectiveness if you can’t make full use of its features. That’s where the hc1 Academy comes in.

When was the last time a SaaS company offered you a minimum of five different options to learn how to make the best use of their solution?

In my personal experience, I’ve generally either had the option to travel to some remote location and spend a few days in an over-crowed learning environment to take a generalized training with a dozen other clients, or I’ve had the option to sign on to a webinar which again has participants from a dozen companies and covers multiple days’ worth of material in a few hours.

The hc1 Academy is different. Rather than being focused on providing training in the format that is the most convenient for us, it is instead developed on a client-by-client basis so that you can be sure to get the answers you need.

hc1 Academy offers a personable and unique training experience that ensures your team will know how to navigate the Healthcare Relationship Management solution. Your team will learn how to utilize every lab system dashboard, every feature of our healthcare CRM, and every Business Intellgience chart.

In my next post, I will take a deeper dive into hc1 Academy and show how each feature makes your team's training a truly unique experience.

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