On October 10th, the  hc1.com team kicked off their Platinum sponsorship of the G2 Lab Institute Conference by hosting an Executive Luncheon featuring hc1.com CEO Brad Bostic and Dark Report Editor-In-Chief Robert Michel. 
The exclusive, invitation-only event was held at the Ritz Carlton Pentagon City and attended by 40 executives from leading labs across the country.

During his keynote address, Robert dove into the state of the lab industry, healthcare's ongoing transformation, and the future of lab testing. After discussing macro trends in healthcare, the presentation turned to new integrated care models and how they use clinical lab testing services, followed by healthcare's need to use informatics more effectively in order to improve patient outcomes and contribute to reduction in overall cost per healthcare encounter.

The speaking torch was then passed to Brad, who unveiled some exciting new capabilities of hc1.com, which build on the solution's core, lab-specific CRM functionality. The hc1 Apps platform was introduced, followed by the newly developed partnership between Chi Solutions and hc1.com. Brad went on to do the unthinkable (insert dramatic music here), and rolled out a live demo of hc1.com's Business Intelligence dashboard. "Oohs", "ahhs", and applause soon followed...

The hc1.com Healthcare Relationship Management team wants to thank Robert Michel for delivering a phenomenal presentation and making time to play a key part of the event. And a special thank you to the lab executives from across the nation who spent the afternoon with us. It was great to see so many familiar faces, and even some new ones. The G2 Lab Institute has been in full force all this week with breakout sessions, keynote speakers, and workshops. Congratulations to G2 Intelligence on another successful year of Lab Insitute, as this year marks the 30th anniversary.

To learn more about Healthcare CRM and our exciting new announcements mentioned above, visit our website.


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