BlogVisual_Webinar_March2014Earlier this week, PGXL Labs Client Services Manager Kellie Harrison and CEO Brad Bostic, along with G2 Intelligence,  put on a complimentary webinar for viewers to learn about how PGXL Labs has increased their client retention while optimizing operations. Titled "3 Keys to Fueling Success Through Superior Service",  the webinar took viewers through some common service challenges, real world results, and even conducted a live Q&A session at the end.

The webinar started off by touching on "The Economies of Loyalty" and why it's so critical for laboratories to offer superior service. How critical? There's a 60-70% probability of closing a sale with an existing client, compared to only a 5-20% probability of closing a sale with a new prospect. Not only is there a lower probability of obtaining new clients, it's also more costly. The interactive webinar then opened it up to the audience, asking for their feedback on the challenges they face when delivering consistent, superior service. The results, which proved to be very interesting, are stated below.

Common Challenges (and % of viewers who experience this challenge in their lab):

  • Our departments are often operating independently with limited information - 24%
  • Issues aren't escalated quickly enough - 30%
  • It's difficult to identify the root-cause of issues - 38%
  • We face service commitment obstacles - 34%


Kellie and Brad then talked through a featured set of challenges that they are seeing the most in the industry today:

  • Most labs are stuck at "information" (when thinking about converting data to information to intelligence to insight to action to accountability)
  • The lack of a 360-view prevents provider-focused attention

The good news is there are keys to overcoming these challenges and ultimately fueling success for your laboratory through superior service:

1. Achieve A Holistic Picture of Every Client

  • The ability to instantly access a 360-view of each client
  • This view includes data from all of your different systems, brought into one central location

2. Determine Exactly Where to Focus

  • The ability to proactively monitor client health through user-friendly dashboards and reports (such as a "Case Management" dashboard that shows your most profitable accounts and their needs)
  • Within that dashboard, the ability to drill into specific client trends and see real-time data at one glance to answer the question "How do we resolve this client issue?"

3. Drive Closed-Loop Accountability

  • Addressing "Accountable Care" by delivering the highest quality of service with constant monitoring and measuring
  • Immediately taking action on client issues by knowing the most pressing issues and resolving them in a timely manner
  • Tracking and monitoring your team's ability to respond to client needs and meet those designated due dates
  • Staying informed through resolution by closing the loop and viewing client updates in the Communication Center

The webinar concluded with a recap and interactive Q&A session. A big thanks to PGXL Labs and G2 Intelligence for a very successful and informative webinar. is proud to partner with a laboratory that has found success through superior service and is positively impacting healthcare. For more on PGXL and their success with, read the case study.

Find the full recording of the webinar below:




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