In a recent article by Mike Millard of Healthcare IT News, titled "Geisinger CEO gives tips for smarter BI", Glenn Steele, CEO of Geisinger Health System, states that healthcare is "about to enter the 19th century" when it comes to using business intelligence and analytics.

"I don't think the balancing act between innovation and regulation is correct in most areas of healthcare data. We could go on for weeks talking about why we are where we are, but the good thing is, we're changing," Steele says.

This is good news, considering now is the time for healthcare organizations to start turning this abundance of health data into smart data to better manage provider relationships and the patient experience. Timely and usable data can fill the void between health systems, providers, and the patient, and ultimately create a better healthcare experience for all (and less costly too).

"...we have a series of expectations that up until recently were pretty simplistic; that if you put an electronic health record in it would automatically improve badly engineered and badly transacted systems. It doesn't work that way," Steele adds.

Amen to that, but there's more to the list than just EHR's - EMR's, billing, finance, LIS, RIS, etc. The point is, just putting in place many different systems (and having to log into each one separately) isn't enough. This is where comes into play - imagine logging into one central location where all of your siloed systems feed into a cloud based, healthcare-specific solution that creates data rich profiles, dashboards, and reports that combine all clinical and business activities.

Finally, Steele's main point is this. "We have legitimate regulatory concerns, and I think they've always taken precedence over true innovation in terms of how we look at our data, how we analyze it, how we distribute it. How we use it to change behavior."


Does this sound familiar? In one of our own recent posts by Charles Stanback, we introduced a wheel graphic that communicates this same message. Just having data, information, and intelligence isn't enough. Sure, it may prompt some interesting questions, but what is your health system, lab, or radiology group doing to answer these questions and take action? "How we look at our data. How we analyze it. How we use it to change behavior." Healthcare organizations use to answer pressing questions, drive action to resolve client issues, ensure action was taken and close the loop. What does all of this ultimately do? It changes your business. Generic BI and CRM tools, along with your primary systems of record and supporting departmental systems, are allowing your organization to achieve only half of this circle. But what about the other half?

Below is another infographic, this one representing the picture I have painted above. Change is needed in our industry, will you position your business to be one step ahead? Or, will you be left behind? Contact us today to learn more.



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