In his recent article entitiled, "Why PaaS is the Future of Healthcare," Anil Kottoor writes about the advantages and disadvantages of SaaS, and how a PaaS system is really the solution. Kottoor writes that while an SaaS system is certainly a step up from the hardware and software, SaaS is not the perfect solution. Unfortunately, "the reality is that it does not provide the holistic approach to care and quality management that healthcare organizaitons desire." In other words, with an SaaS model, data is stored in many different silos instead of all being stored in one place. In a perfect world, a Healthcare CRM would allow the healthcare organization to store all their data in one easily accessible area. 

     In Kottor's eyes, this is what makes the PaaS system so great. Not only do you get all the benefits of an SaaS model, but all "of their solutions and the accompanying information can be found within the same user-friendly interface." This means the silos that were so prevalent with the SaaS system are no longer apparent. This is the Healthcare Software System of the future. Kottor's article goes on to say that if Healthcare organizations want to be competitive they need to be willing to adopt this new type of software. According to Kottoor, if Healthcare organizations adopt PaaS solutions they will be able to "focus their time and efforts on what matters most - the patient." After all, isn't that what Healthcare is supposed to be about?

   The full article is housed on, a blog network created by John Lynn. John Lynn and his blog are rapidly becoming a very well respected source for information on the future of Healthcare as a whole, and the role Healthcare IT plays in this development. The article referenced abover happens to be written by a guest writer, Anil Kottoor, President and CEO if MedHOK, but John has written over 2,000 articles himself on EMR and Healthcare IT.  His articles constantly hit on hot topics in the Healthcare IT world, and guet writers like Anile Kottoor are willing to write articles for his blog.

To see more of John Lynn's articles visit his blog here




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