Saturday, July 13th, and CEO Brad Bostic were featured in the Indianapolis Business Journal's article titled "Health tech startup aiming for fences," written by J.K. Wall.

The article gives a background on how launched, and first focused on medical laboratories, but is now expanding to radiology groups and institutional pharmacies. also looks to almost double its employees by the end of 2014 while it aims to grab a bigger and bigger share of the market. "Now it's starting to catch fire as this killer app for healthcare," Bostic states.

The article highlights the already impressive and vastly growing client base, which includes Alere Toxicology, Tennessee-based HCA, and now Northwest Radiology Network. "Data is going to be key to get to the changes we're going to need to have the health system of the future," says Linda Wilgus, Northwest Radiology's Chief Financial Officer.

Another client highlighted is St. Vincent Setion Specialty Hospital. Troy Reiff, the executive director of St. Vincent Seton, has his dashboard set to report two things:

1) Any physician who is ordering more tests than his peer physicians are

2) Any patients whose lab results have been normal four times in a row is gaining more and more momentum as it continues to be recognized as the ultime healthcare cloud-platform. Flying under the radar will no longer be the case as strives to do even more in 2013 and 2014.

Click here to read the full article.


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