Last week, select members of the team had the privilage of visiting Northwest Radiology Network, headquartered in Indianapolis, IN. I was lucky enough to be a part of this small group, and sit in on this exciting and upbeat meeting between the two teams. Northwest Radiology Network, one of the country's largest physician owned radiology practices, selected to partner with this past May.

At, we're not just another SaaS vendor, we are Healthcare Relationship Management, and we are interested in your organization's processes, everyday tasks, and biggest challenges. We want to learn about your business and brainstorm how can help you in ways you never thought possible. This meeting was exactly that....and we want to thank the NWR team for welcoming us into their great facility and letting us "pick their brain".

Lori Bricker (DIrector of Operations), Marty Buening (Director of Information Technology), and Linda Wilgus (CFO) were all present for NWR and talked about some common challenges radiology practices like NWR are having to overcome everyday. They also talked about the vision, and where they see partnering with will take them. This vision includes establishing better communications with hospitals as they strive to plan their day around incoming volume on the que. was built from the ground up to meet the specific needs of radiology practices, which includes:

- Organizing time stamp data

- Gaining access into real-time physician productivity

- Proactively managing referring physician relations

Thanks again to the NWR team for inviting us to their beautiful facility and showcasing their vision of

Read more on the NWR/ partnership here.



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