Calling all marketers!, the #1 CRM for Labs, is rolling out it's enhanced campaign functionality this year, and we want to give you a sneak peek into how we can optimize laboratory marketing! The new and improved hc1 Campaigns will allow laboratory marketers to:

Add automation to campaigns and ensure timely follow-up with the hc1 Action Assistant

  • Use hc1 Campaigns to send personalized thank you emails to each of your prospects with the “initial follow-up” stage from the appropriate salesperson.
  • Use action assistant to trigger a task for the appropriate salesperson to follow-up with their new prospects once your thank you email is sent.
  • Track the progress of trade show leads

  • Use customizable dashboards to track email open rates, the progression of leads to opportunities, and closed-won new accounts.
  • Take this insight and determine which trade shows are most profitable for your organization to maximize your trade show spend year over year.
  • Utilize the new rich text (WYSIWYG) editor to create beautiful emails without HTML

  • Customize pre-built email message templates or create your own for branding consistency.
  • Upload and resize images to the email editor, and preview in full screen mode before sending.
  • Send SMS messages alongside or in place of email messages

  • Send reminders to event attendees to stop by your booth or attend your dinner or special info session at a conference.
  • Relay result reminders to physicians or their office managers.
  • Define who receives messages based on campaign stages that can be customized for different needs

  • Help your physician offices send medication monitoring and adherence testing reminders to at-risk and non-compliant patients.
  • Send new test notifications to your existing clients.
  • Define multiple senders and automatically populate recipient info in messages to enhance personalization

  • One marketing team member can send communications to prospects for multiple sales representatives.
  • Build value for your clients and patients by treating them as individuals, not generic numbers.
  • Want to learn more about hc1 for Marketers? Email today. And keep your eyes peeled for Part 2: hc1 for Health System Marketers!

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