It is no secret that the Healthcare Industry is trying to find ways to digitalize their processes. In a recent article on HITECHAnswers entitled, "Healthcare Collaborative Partners Pool Resources to Develop Big Data Platform," we learn that the Data Alliance Collaborative has been launched. This alliance has been brought together with the purpose of finding a way to get healthcare providers the data analysis and business intelligence they need. Clearly the healthcare management solutions today are not providing enough business intelligence or data analysis. The article cites that the current EMRs are not offering proficient enough technologies to allow financial and operational data to be shared across individual hospitals. 

In addition to the formation of this Data Alliance Collaborative, GE Healthcare has released that they plan to "invest $2 billion over five years to support innovation in health IT that improves the productivity of clinicians and operations of healthcare systems." The full article can be found here. Clearly GE Healthcare feels the same way as those who founded the DAC. The time is now to start finding innovative ways to provide your healthcare business with the necessary IT solutions.

What if I told you this technology already existsted for laboratories and radiology departments? is a cloud-based healthcare CRM that allows your healthcare organization to gain a 360-degree view of all interactions, while also offering a healthcare business intelligence platform that delivers actionable intelligence. This healthcare software system efficiently organizes all patient data while also peforming important analytics to help determine average turn-around-time, forecasted sales, and volume drops. 

This healthcare IT revolution is already happening, and you can join it by partnering with View this 2-minute video for more on the healthcare-specific CRM solution.

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