After spending last week in fabulous Las Vegas at the G2 Intelligence Laboratory Outreach 2012 conference, it is clearer than ever that labs with a serious focus on outreach initiatives are determined to embrace technology. Healthcare software systems with CRM tracking capabilities are the hot topics among leaders in the industry.

As I listened to speaker after speaker at the conference talk about the importance of “Knowing your customers,” “Identifying what they want," and "Pinpointing your lab's strengths and weaknesses,"  it became clear that the lab industry must embrace solutions that enable the "how" aspect. How can labs deliver relevant communications to their customers? How can they gain a baseline of performance?

Many labs are focused on building their brands. They create a vision, put forth first-rate collateral, and a professional looking website.  making sure they present a professional image, websites, staff and vehicles. All of those objectives are great, but first and foremost, labs must gain greater access to clinical and business intelligence locked within their various data systems. Labs want and need access to their data so they can invest their precious time with the right relationships executing the right moves to advance their labs.

Using an advanced Healthcare CRM, labs can prove to their clients that they really know them. That means making their lives easier, delivering tailored communications, and staying a step ahead of their needs. Internally, a Healthcare CRM solution makes it possible for labs to track more than just sales numbers and opportunities. Actual volume vs. projected, profitability, win and loss patterns...this intelligence is crucial for clinical and anatomical pathology labs in helping them compete and win in today’s ultra competitive environment.

To learn more about lab software that includes access to real-time, critical lab analytics, contact

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