The US government has made clear what direction it wants the healthcare industry moving in with its 2015 deadline for Meaningful Use of EMR / EHR systems before penalties begin to accrue. This has sent labs scrambling to find ways to connect their Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) to various EMR / EHR systems, most of whom will readily express their frustration with the toll these projects have on their productivity in other areas -- not to mention the cost.

A recent poll taken by shows that 50% of labs already have to access at least 4 independent systems each week in order to gain access to the data necessary for their employees to effectively perform their jobs. Many of these labs have openly stated that making sense of all of this data and applying it in real-time is next to impossible. Now, with information pouring in from various EMR / EHR systems in inconsistent ways, the challenge of organizing this data will compound greatly.

How to Get Ahead of the Curve:

Leverage a healthcare CRM to connect to these various EMR / EHR systems and to turn disparate data into actionable intelligence. By doing this, labs will not only meet the deadline for Meaningful Use, but will also do so in a way to leads to a higher level of client service. Rather than waiting days or weeks to take action, labs will have critical information at their fingertips -- and with the click of a button. By leveraging this approach, the data gathered by these connections will instantly be converted into actionable lab analytics that strengthen client relationships.

To learn more, download G2 Intelligence's New Lab Retention Whitepaper.


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