Tags: Lab Software

HIMSS14hc1.com turns intelligence into action and the critical need for this solution was clearly evident at HIMSS14. For those of you who aren't familiar, HIMSS 14 is an Annual Conference & Exhibition that joins together over 35,000 healthcare IT professionals. From the exhibition hall, to the sessions, even at Universal Studios, popular topics like "Business Intelligence", "Lab Analytics", and "Interoperability" were swirling everywhere.

With those we engaged with, turning intelligence and analytics into meaningful action and closed-loop accountability resonated well. Although data, information, and intelligence are all interesting and prompts questions, this is only a portion of what's needed to deliver superior service to providers and patients. When healthcare organizations use insight, action, and accountability, they are able to change their business by answering these questions and assigning the appropriate action to the appropriate people, all while ensuring that action was taken.


A special thanks to all of our clients we were able to connect with throughout the week, and to the new faces we met for the first time. We appreciate the partners we were able to meet with to further discuss how the hc1.com® Healthcare Relationship Cloud™ can compliment and leverage current systems like the EHR, ERP, LIS, and RCM systems.

We also had our first hc1 "tweet up" at the CityWalk on Wednesday. Congratulations to all of our winners who followed hc1.com on Twitter (https://twitter.com/hc1_HRM) and LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/company/hc1-com) and received the clues to the "tweet up".

HIMMS14 confirmed that hc1.com fills a void in healthcare and that the ability to use healthcare insight to trigger meaningful action is changing the game in healthcare. We look forward to an even greater presence at HIMSS15!

For more on how hc1.com is helping some of the world's most successful labs transform the healthcare experience, request a free demo.


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