Why are so many healthcare organizations hitting the wall when it comes to Stage 2 of Meaningful Use? Stage 2 grants incentives to healthcare organizations that collect patient data through electronic health-record systems. In an article posted on Modern Healthcare, Edith Dees, the CIO of Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill, PA, argues that it may, in fact, have to do with the IT vendors themselves. After years of due diligence planning and selecting vendors, Dees and her organization are at a standstill.

Dees mentions system inoperability issues, secure messaging requirements not approved by the organization, and excessive costs layered on to vendors 'standard' packages. She also states that these issues, "Prompt debate between certified vendors on which own the inoperability problem."

This lack of accountability is also apparent in the actual processes and procedures associated with vendor software. "May new processes are completely manual," Dees writes. "There's no audit tool to ensure accuracy or a way to identify staff who need coaching." Without clear accountability, the hospital cannot move forward with Stage 2.


Accountability and efficiency are two of the main pillars of the Healthcare Relationship Cloud™, the healthcare solution that streamlines communication and creates amazing relationships. The Healthcare Relationship Cloud™ seamlessly integrates with existing LIS, service, and patient information systems, eliminating system inoperability issues. The hc1.com® solution is also fully protected and secure, and has sophisticated security guidelines in place to ensure the protection of ePHI. hc1.com also includes Audit Control features, which allows authorized individuals to extract specific records from the system.

While other vendors may drag organizations away from successfully meeting Stage 2 criteria, the hc1.com solution empowers health systems, labs, and radiology groups to establish a culture of accountability, transparency, and efficiency in order to effectively meet Stage 2 Meaningful Use criteria.

To learn more about the hc1.com Healthcare Relationship Cloud™, contact us today!

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