I recently read an article titled "Cloud Caution: Healthcare Market Slowly Adopting Cloud" that talked about healthcare market players adopting cloud computing. Concerns about security, HIPAA, and the adaptability of cloud applications to highly complex and regulated healthcare entities have slowed adoption of SaaS and other hosted solutions. The concern and the caution are justified. The stakes are high in healthcare and the risks of adopting new technology solutions must be wieghed against the potentital benefits of those solutions.

However, once a healthcare entitiy has decided to take the leap into the cloud, other concerns arise. IT departments are consistently engaged in competing projects that can drain resources from an effective activation of the cloud solution. Without executive buy-in and a dedicated staff to manage the onboarding process, the benefits of the cloud could dissipate into "just another application to maintain".

hc1.com, a cloud-based SaaS CRM solution specific to clinical labs, toxicology companies, and radiology groups, recognizes that its own success depends on the success of its clients. Our Client Services department has a staff dedicated to ensuring an effective onboarding process. From start to finish, client success managers (CSMs) guide clients through all steps to become champion users of our healthcare-specific CRM solution. The CSM works with hc1 solution architects to maintain constant communication with clients as they learn the in's and out's. The hc1 Client Services department prides itself on enabling clients to tailor the solution to their needs and to find new and innovative ways of using the solution to improve their business.

The risks and concerns of cloud solutions for healthcare are real and are well founded. However, healthcare companies considering the cloud should look beyond the dotted line to the support system that follows. How engaged will the vendor be in the onboarding process? Does the vendor provide dedicated staff to guide clients through data migration, business workflows, and training? Healthcare companies should look to the cloud as a partnership in facilitating better operations, rather than just another platform to support.

Read the full article here.

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