In an article titled, "Ten Trends in Business Intelligence and Analytics that Are Transforming Healthcare" by David Stodder of TDWI Research, 10 trends are analyzed to show how healthcare organizations need to use information to reach strategic and policy objectives. Various quotes are included in this article from experts in business intelligence for labs and healthcare management solutions:

"The future is going to depend on how well we can combine data and converge on single or integrated data models."-healthcare IT director

"Payers have traditionally focused on claims data, but they have a growing interest in accessing clinical data held by providers, not only for case management but for predictive analysis. There's only so much prediction you can do with just claims data."-Richard Cramer, Informatica's Chief Strategist for healthcare

So what do this all mean? The first quote predicts that the future success of healthcare organizations will depend on how they overcome certain obstacles, such as the lack of data integration and model coordination. When financial, patient, and clinical care data records do not coordinate, data errors consume too much of your employees' time.

The second touches on a recent trend where progressive labs are now looking for clinical information to confidently make decisions for the future and uncover the underlying cause of issues with their providers. is the answer to both of these problems.  Clinical reference and anatomic pathology labs can access information spread across multiple data systems through one solution. Imagine combining your lab's clinical transactions with all of your business communications, all in real-time, in one location. It's time to confidently make decisions that will enable your lab to win more clients and keep them for life.

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