As I discussed in a previous blog post, my team and I have been learning from our experiences as SaaS customers and applying this to our approach as we work with our clients. It has been helpful to be on the other side of the fence and has led to some “aha” moments for our team. 

Lesson #4: Share best practices and adjust configurations or roles as you figure out the best workflows

As my team started using our new SaaS project timetracking system, we found that many of us were approaching the same tasks in different ways, despite attending the same training. We had regular sessions to share best practices – by doing this when we first rolled out our timetracking solution, we found ways to dramatically improve the workflow and shave valuable time off frequent tasks. We also revisited the permissions or roles for some users to improve their workflow based on our findings.

Our approach: We have incorporated this into our approach to hc1 Academy training. We train super users (AKA, the pilot group) of our lab CRM solution from each area and once the system has been configured for their business needs, they have access to a test environment. From here, they can get hands-on with the solution and try out different things (knowing that they won’t muck up their data). Once the super users provide feedback, we then work with them to determine the “best practice” workflow and tweak user configurations. We then can roll out that best practice to the wider base of users – with the enthusiastic super users leading the way!

The team follows lesson #4 (as well as all of my previous lessons) to ensure that our clients use our lab CRM and healthcare business intelligence solution to propel their lab above the competition. If you'd like to learn more about Healthcare Relationship Management, watch our 2-minute video.

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