Gartner Research., a division of Gartner Inc., the world's leading information technology research and advisory company, has coined the term “The Nexus of Forces” to describe four forces — mobile, cloud, social, and information. These forces have converged in a powerful way that has led to a new era of computing. They identify three disruptive vendors (Amazon, Apple, and Google) who have taken advantage of the Nexus of Forces to create innovative products.

Allow me to introduce as a disruptive vendor who has incorporated these forces into our solution for healthcare CRM and Business Intelligence (BI), specifically for medical laboratories, hospitals, and health systems.


Laboratory field sales reps in 150+ high performance lab locations across the country are using on iPads to create and manage opportunities for current and prospective clients, create, categorize and update memos and tasks, and create and escalate cases that require multiple staff involvement to solve problems.

Cloud: is a SaaS (software as a service) provider of CRM and BI on a cloud-platform. We partner with Amazon Web Services to host our solution on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). This ensures that we can scale capacity, both up and down, as your computing requirements change. Rather than making expensive capital purchases of servers, software, network equipment and so on, labs subscribe to our online service instead.


If you’re not 20-something, “collaboration” might mean more to you than “social”. We are built from the ground up with laboratories and your clients in mind. With, you can distribute dashboard reports internally to management and “discuss” these reports virtually in a threaded-style forum. Additionally, you can distribute these reports to your clients via email and secure login and discuss with them virtually as well.


You have valuable data locked up in your LIS/LIMS, billing system, financial system, inventory system, and even your data warehouse. hc1 Healthcare Business Intelligence seamlessly integrates these disparate sources of information to give lab management real-time visibility – at the click of a button. is at the intersection of healthcare providers, medical labs, hospitals, health systems, patients, and information technology. We bring the Nexus of Forces to Healthcare.

Because speed, integration, and innovation are differentiators in business today, give your lab the Nexus of Forces to win more clients and serve them for life. will help you gain access to the specific intelligence your lab needs in order to make every provider feel like your most important client.

For more on the Healthcare Relationship Management solution, watch this 2 minute video.

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