Tags: Video Lab

In many healthcare settings, data is spread across multiple silos, resulting in delayed action and a lack of accountability. For laboratories that means there is no way to identify gaps, realize the root cause of issues and proactively resolve conflicts. hc1, the creator of the #1 rated Healthcare Relationship Management platform, makes it possible for laboratories break down these silos for streamlined, holistic access to patient and provider data. Clinical and  business data is now all housed in a cloud-based, HIPAA-compliant platform that makes it easy to drive profitability and deliver amazing service.

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Watch this quick2-minute product tour video to see how hc1 can help laboratories:

  • Know exactly where operations stand at all times
  • Be consistently prepared for quality inspections
  • Ensure sales and service teams are completely aligned on all issues
  • Maximize service for better customer retention and more client wins
  • Cut back on over-utilization, high-cost tests and antiquated test ordering
  • Help educate providers to become a true value-added partner

Take the product tour now.

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