A blog series by Kyle Ray, Online and Event Marketing Intern for hc1.com

After working at hc1 for more than 6 weeks now, I’ve realized that as a company we pride ourselves on personalizing the patient experience. hc1 cares just as much for its employees by providing an upbeat and energizing work environment, allowing employees to feel at home when it comes to doing their job. After much consideration, I’ve finally narrowed down the list to 13 of the most unique features the hc1 workplace has to offer.

1. Whiteboard Walls

Remember those days when drawing on the walls got you sent to time-out? Not anymore! Here at hc1 the walls are whiteboard hybrids, which allows the creativity to flow. The walls are constantly changing, being covered with random notes, ideas, and maybe a picture or two.



2. hc1 Swag

Everyone loves reppin' their team! At hc1 we take branding to the next level by putting our name on nearly everything we use. From coffee cups, to playing cards, its impossible to go a day without seeing one of these items.



3. Full Kitchen

Don't feel like going out to eat everyday?? Not a problem. hc1 has a full kitchen equipped with all the necessary tools to whip up a 3 course meal, or a quick lunch if you've got a full schedule.


4. Nerf Wars

One of my personal favorites when it comes to the workplace, the ongoing nerf wars. There's nothing better than taking a quick second out of your day to launch a nerf dart across the office! As soon as you hear the piercing whistle of a dart, you better take cover. Alliances are quickly formed as random battles breakout. It's a dog eat dog world out there, you never know when the darts will start flying.


5. Starbucks Coffee

The hotspot for office socializing isn't the water cooler, but the ever-so-popular Starbucks Coffee Machine. Nearly everyone pays a visit at some point in the morning, and probably once again as that "2:30 feeling" sinks in. Be prepared to hang tight for a minute or two, it appears to always be in use.


6. Work Pods

The cubicle has evolved from its stuffy, stale persona, to an innovative workspace we like to call pods. These work pods allow more collaboration, and provide a better flow when it comes to various project. No more sitting around in isolation, you've got a work buddy by your side!


7. Beer 30s

Its 5 o'clock somewhere! Every couple weeks the office fridge is loaded up with a wide range of beers. From IPAs all the way to root beers, everyone finds something that'll quench their thirst. The break room quickly  becomes the party spot, as everyone grabs their drink of choice.


8. Professional Fitness

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hc1 employees have access to the Professional Fitness facility conveniently located right across the street. Before, after, or maybe even during the work day (if thats the motivation you need to hit the gym). On top of that, all employees are entitled to 4 one-on-one training sessions a month, focusing on your area of choice. All paid for by hc1.com!

9. The GONG
Theres no better surprise than the ringing surge of the gong! Whenever the sales team closes a deal, they make sure everyone in the office knows by taking a crack at the gong. Great vibes all around.


10. Fruit Mondays

Every Monday, the break room countertop has a full spread of all kinds of fruit, providing employees with a healthy snack!

11. Massage Time

After pushing through a hectic morning, wouldn't it feel great if you could just sit back and relax for a bit? Here at hc1 we one-up that fantasy by hosting a masseuse onsite once a month. Employees are eligible to 15 minute massages during that special workday.


12. Open Doors

hc1 has an open door policy in the office. Whenever you're stuck on a project and need some help, anyone on the team is more than willing to help out. The open doors also allow for more communication between all levels of employees.



13. The Meeting Rooms
hc1 has 10 meeting rooms total. A larger space dedicated for company events, a board room for the more professional occasions, and the remaining 8 are dedicated for smaller group work. All rooms are fully equipped with the necessary tools; whiteboards, speakerphones, and even Apple TVs, all of which allow more focused collaboration whenever it be needed. Being a healthcare based company, all meeting rooms are named after individuals who left an impact on the health industry, reminding employees of hc1's goal to "change the game."


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