As a leader of a sophisticated laboratory, you’re probably up to your ears in ‘test utilization’. Although the initial thought of taking on a huge, organization-wide initiative may sound overwhelming, many labs realize that it’s actually quite simple to start a test utilization program – it’s just knowing how and where to start that causes roadblocks.

Healthcare’s biggest buzzword didn’t just appear out of nowhere, even though it sometimes feels like it. Test utilization is a bi-product of the industry-wide shift to value-based care. With less money coming in from reimbursements, labs are looking for ways to effectively and efficiently cut back on costs, and utilization is a huge part of this extra expenditure.

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Now, labs can track over and under-reimbursed tests, high-cost tests, and antiquated tests to see what is being ordered. Lab reps can drill through to see exactly which physicians are ordering these tests and then work directly with these doctors to cut back on these expensive tests.

Test utilization is also part of a patient-centric health plan. With fewer repetitive tests being ordered, patients have to come in less often for appointments and are left without the residual discomfort diagnostic testing leaves behind. Labs who participate in test utilization initiatives are providing value-based care to their patients and provider clients.

While you’re at EWC next week, don’t miss “Achieving Best Practices in Lab Test Utilization,” presented by North Memorial Health Care and Mayo Medical Laboratories.

Session: Achieving Best Practices in Lab Test Utilization: Leveraging partnerships to ensure capability readiness and access to robust data management tools to support improved patient outcomes.

Speakers: Bobbi Kochevar, North Memorial and Tammy Fletcher, Mayo Medical Laboratories

Time: Tuesday, May 2nd @ 3:30 CDT

This session will highlight how North Memorial Health Care was able to leverage detailed analytics and data management tools to implement a winning test utilization program across the clinical laboratory. The health system’s effort did not go unnoticed, and now Mayo Medical Lab and North Memorial are working together to bring laboratory test utilization best practices to clinicians and patients across the Midwest.

Can’t make it to EWC? Read the North Memorial and Mayo Medical Laboratory story here.

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