In today’s fiercely competitive healthcare cloud marketplace, real-time is an increasingly important factor. The multiple uses and meanings of this term have watered-down this once relevant term to a meaningless marketing buzzword. In order to clarify how the® Healthcare Relationship Cloud® views real-time, we have made a list of some of the real-time features built into



  • Running Live Feeds

Most SaaS and BI tools use batch processing to aggregate data on a set schedule – once a day, once a week, etc. – and process that data as a set PDF or unit that a client can then download at any time. The glaring problem of batch processing is that it is possible that you download data in real-time, but you are looking at data that is 2 or 3 days old. Most batch-processing SaaS solutions can only query data outside of peak business hours because it would crash the system and run the risk of performance issues. Live feed solutions, such as, give users access to data that is constantly being updated. Real-time dashboards in show exactly where you are in the current moment, not where you have been in the past.

  • Frictionless Sharing of Data

Many health information systems operate in a closed data ecosystem, which means that their sales, services, and operations departments function independently from each other. This lack of communication and data sharing is at odds with efficient business procedures and processes. This ‘friction’ in business procedures leads to kinks in the operations process, miscommunication errors, and lapses in productivity. The question isn’t who has faster access to data, or which system presents that data in the most eye-catching way, or even how up-to-date your business reports can be. The question is how can you gather, process, and communicate data in the smoothest way possible. is designed for an open data ecosystem and promotes collaboration between sales, services, and operations, meaning that it is inherently streamlined for frictionless data sharing.

  • Running Data Filters in Real-Time

There is a stark difference between having real-time access to data and accessing real-time data, and most vendors that claim to be ‘real-time’ only access reports with criteria set hours, even days earlier. Healthcare is a fast-paced, constantly changing market, and SaaS cloud solutions need to be able to keep up with these changes - not running reports on old filters. With the solution, you can run data filters in real-time, changing and manipulating data sets to gain immediate insight into events while they are happening. Having the resources necessary to proactively fix problems before they arise facilitates effortless business processes, better decision-making, and more efficient operations.

  • Prompting Urgent Care Decision Making

In healthcare, having access to data is critical. Being able to access to-the-second changes in data can make a positive impact in the experience for providers and patients. Having access to real-time healthcare intelligence allows you to compare your organization’s current business decisions with historical patterns in order to detect problems or trends in data, gaining a competitive edge in the market. Urgent care health systems rely on quick decision making, like in the emergency department, where a quick TAT can be the key between life and death. With, you gain access to real-time data and intelligence, plus the ability to drive action on that insight to ensure that positive changes occur in your organization.

All cloud solutions are not created equal. To learn more about how the Healthcare Relationship Cloud® can help your organization improve business practices in real-time, call 317-219-4646 or email

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