
According to The Healthcare Blog, a staggering 36% of healthcare service organizations reported that they had no digital technology or innovation strategy in place. This is coming at a time when digital startups are cranking out new technologies designed to solve healthcare-specific problems at a constant rate.

Yes, it may be unfair to put such high hopes of adoption on such a mature system, but this is a new age of healthcare where patients expect to be included in the loop alongside physicians, technicians, and healthcare professionals. So, in order to help healthcare organizations establish value and begin adopting digital health technologies, has prepared a few dos and don’ts to help guide the way.


Look for cloud solutions with little IT activation or set up. The last thing your healthcare organization needs is another application downloaded onto your already full computers. With a cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution, all you need is an internet connection. All file transfers and data uploads occur over a secure, HIPAA-compliant network, so there is no need to worry about compromising


Be afraid to implement more than one system at a time. One huge benefit of implementing multiple IT projects at one time is everything can be configured to integration from the very beginning – instead of trying to configure multiple systems later. If you are implementing cloud-based solutions, this is one less burden on your IT team which frees up more time for other initiatives.


Research industry best practices. With more and more healthcare organizations becoming ACOs and reaching Meaningful Use compliancy, healthcare best practices are plentiful. Organizations that do due diligence and research the options that are out there are the ones that find the most complete - and cost effective - IT solution.

Were these tips helpful? To learn more about implementing a healthcare IT strategy in your organization, email or call 317-219-4646 today!

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