In a recent article posted on The Dark Daily, Patricia Kirk writes about how tablet PCs are being used more and more by Healthcare professionals in her article "Physician Use of Tablet PCs for Medical Purposes and to Access Clinical Pathology Laboratory Tests Results Predicted to Include 75% of U.S. Doctors by end of 2013." While the Apple ipad is still the most popular, the fact remains that medical professionals are finding it very convenient to utilize tablet PCs. Kirk writes that "the global market for tablet PCs in healthcare is expected to increase to $1.7 billion for 2013." Not only is this true, but a study performed by Manhattan Research dictates "75% of physicians are expected to own a tablet PC by the end of 2013." There are several explanations for this meteoric rise in tablet use.

The Kalorama Information give some insight into why this increase is happening. These insights include cost restraints, government incentives, and off-site medical care among others. Medical professionals utilize tablet PCs in the field for "access to patient records at the point of care, improved viewing capabilities for medical images, and easier offsite patient monitoring." And these aren't the only tasks possible on Tablet PCs, but others include submitting patient prescriptions, accessing and adding information to EMRs, as well as ordering medical tests and other diagnostic procedures. Essentially, medical professionals can conduct all their necessary tasks on a Tablet PC. 

Despite the convenience of having a Tablet PC, there is still data and information out there that is not being captured, as well as relationships to manage between healthcare professionals and organizations. prides itself in being the leader in Healthcare Customer Relationship Management. With, healthcare entities get a combination of CRM, Business Intelligence, and Secure Communications. By utilizing this solution, healthcare organizations have the ability to grow their lab outreach and conduct better collaboration on client or patient issues.

The best part about this? is available on a desktop, tablet PC, and your mobile phone. Healthcare relationship management is the future, and is leading this innovative healthcare industry development. To learn more about please visit our website here.


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