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hc1.com's interns got out of the office on Thursday to attend the Indiana State Fair. The Indiana State Fair provided Indiana INTERNnet with tickets for interns from local tech companies, giving interns a chance to go offsite and enjoy what the Indiana State Fair has to offer.

The program opened up with a networking event held in the Farm Bureau, with interns establishing three connections written down on a card. Then, all the cards were placed into a bag, giving the networkers a change to win a variety of prizes. Although none of us won any of the special prizes, everyone was given a free ticket to Conner Prairie and a pair of sunglasses. Throughout the day, a social media contest was held, with interns taking pictures of themselves at the fair with cows or pigs. We decided getting a picture with a massive cheese sculpture was a must.

Interns also received vouchers for food stands and rides, so of course we took advantage of that! The State Fair has every fried food known to man, and after a while we were able to narrow down our options and sample some state fair delicacies, ranging from milkshakes to cotton candy. We made sure to get plenty of walking in so our stomachs could handle all the action! The fair also had an assortment of livestock and other animals, like hatching baby chicks and massive Clydesdale horses. We all agreed seeing the animals was a priority and spent most of the day walking down the aisles of the huge barns to pet the goats, horses, and look at the big chickens from a distance (none of us wanted to lose a finger!).

A huge thanks to the Indiana State Fair and Indiana INTERNnet for giving us the chance to participate! The day was not only fun, but it was also a good way for the interns to hang out outside the office. This intern-only offsite at the Indiana State Fair was a great way to close out a great summer. I know I can speak for all of the hc1.com interns when I say that this summer was an exciting - albeit challenging - learning experience that has more than prepared us for the future. We are definitely going to miss working with the amazing group of people at hc1.com!


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