
The snow is melting, the birds are chirping, and there is a faint glimmer of sunshine on the horizon. This can only mean one thing – spring is almost here. And for those of us (which seems like most of us) who have been buried under snow for the past few months, spring cannot come fast enough.

So, in celebration of the Big Thaw, lets break down the hidden challenges plaguing your lab this spring. Similar to dreaded spring foes like ticks or poison ivy, these challenges can sneak up on your team and – left unchecked – sabotage your lab’s relationships.

Disparate Data Silos


With lab data often spread across numerous systems, including LIS, billing, sales, and client service systems, critical data is there – but hard to access. The hunt for key information spread among multiple locations often results in two unfortunate situations: an inefficient resolution is put into place because the root cause is too difficult to pinpoint, or too much time transpires during the process of hunting down data, causing an already strained relationship to progress to “crisis mode.”

Having a real-time, transparent view across IT solutions and departments can make a world of difference in managing client relationships. After all, clients do not expect perfection. They expect great, consistent service the majority of the time and want prompt, correct answers or plans when things veer off track.

Delayed Issue Tracking

Considering that a typical lab’s quality review cycle occurs every 90 to 120 days, and the reports that are reviewed have been manually compiled in arrears by lab employees, client issues often go unresolved for weeks or even months, during which time the client may engage with a competitor.

For high-performance labs to truly reverse the delayed issue tracking cycle, team members must have access to:

  • A holistic, 360 degree view of client communications and activity history
  • Real-time notifications that alert appropriate team members when critical issues arise
  • Easy-to-use dashboards that display up-to-the-moment client status, issues, and concerns

Lack of Real-Time Utilization Insight


According to a study from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, an estimated 30% of all laboratory tests run in 2013 across the healthcare continuum were unnecessary. This is a staggering number that everyone knows needs to be reduced – but how can organizations approach this daunting task?

Utilization is more than just monitoring doctors who are over-ordering tests – it is monitoring who is ordering the appropriate tests. Labs can then engage in proactive conversations with physicians, building value and bolstering client relationships. There are three main areas of test appropriateness, all designed to reduce cost and increase client satisfaction:

  • The right test at the right time
  • Test coverage
  • Ongoing education

Prevent your lab’s spring breakdown and combat these challenges head-on! Download the free guide today!

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