G2 Lab Revolution took place March 11-14, 2015, at the beautiful Loews Portofino Bay Hotel in Universal Orlando®.

The hc1.com team recently attended the G2 Lab Revolution conference, where some main themes kept popping up over the course of the 3-day event: test utilization, population health management, and better patient outcomes are just a few of the key buzzwords we heard over and over.

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At the booth

With a lot of conversation around using new technologies to benefit from the fundamental shifts occurring in the health care industry G2 goers were starting to understand the meaning behind the phrase “you can’t manage what you can’t measure”.

Why do I keep hearing all this fuss on data? As G2 goers passed by the hc1.com booth they learned they are sitting on a treasure trove of data that can be used to improve operations and financial bottom lines. Insurers can also use this data to improve patient outcomes. As CEOs and Lab Directors started to take a closer look at the hc1 environment they were beginning to understand that collecting all of this data is just the beginning. The key to this data revolution is having the ability to drive action and accountability.

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Partnership Kickoff

The partnership between hc1.com and Atlas Medical was officially announced at dinner on Thursday, where Bob Gregory from Atlas and Dr. Charlie Miraglia from hc1 kicked off the evening with a quick info session. The meal was wonderful, with good wine and great company. I enjoyed getting to know our partners at Atlas and other dinner attendees on a more personal level - including exchanging recipes with the Medical Director at Lahey Hospital in MA.

Key takaways

Keynote speaker Dr. Harry Greenspun from the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions delivered a very intriguing presentation titled "Converting Disruption into Opportunity. His main points were:

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  • A patient's healthcare experience is based purely on the level of service they receive - their view of a health system reflects their last doctor's visit or interaction.
  • Behavioral and demographic data, such as where a patient lives or even their Target purchases, can give caregivers as much insight as clinical data can.
  • Just because it looks like you are providing value, it doesn't mean you actually are. This is the difference between talking about taking action and actually acting with accountable follow up.

Did you attend G2 Lab Revolution? What were some of your key takeaways? Tweet @hc1_HRM and let us know what you learned!

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