In a statement released on August 14, the Health Initiative Coordinating Council (HICCup) announced the five cities that will be a part of their newest initiative - The Way to Wellville. With the support of community groups, outside investors, and subject matter experts, these 5 communities will work over the course of 5 years to produce visible improvements in health and economic vitality.


According to HICCup, the Wellville initiative is akin to a startup's 5-year plan. The community acts as the startup, their product is wellness, and HICCup is an initial investor. All projects in the community, from school lunches to housing to workplace wellness, will be measured to see what makes the greatest impact.

Population wellness campaigns such as HICCup's Wellville initiative are part of the growing trend of preventative care programs that have sprung up as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Because healthcare organizations are now judged - and paid - based on the value they provide patients, more and more attention is being diverted to how physicians, payers, and healthcare professionals are proactively handling patient engagement and management. How is your healthcare organization planning on proving value to your patient community?

Learn more about HICCup and The Way To Wellville here.

Learn more about hc1.com's commitment to preventative care here.

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