For months I have been asking laboratories across the United States one question:

How would you identify your top and bottom 10 clients, what their average turnaround time is, what ongoing issues each is having, and what the history of your relationship with each looks like?

The most commonly given answer (by a landslide): Submit a report and wait.

It's not that the information isn't there. It's that gaining access to that information takes time. Unfortunately, by the time the information is accessed and converted into something actionable, days, weeks, or even months have passed and it is less valuable. 

Almost all laboratories I've spoken with operate with top level LIM Systems, have a well trained and capable staff, and provide timely and accurate testing for their clients. Nearly all of them said they target growth and/or increased retention as a top goal for 2012.  Yet where most of them are struggling is in connecting these areas.

At, we propose a new approach: Proactive in place of Reactive.  By connecting data from all Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) -- along with all Sales & Customer Service information -- and then putting it at the lab's fingertips, we provide real-time lab analytics.  Endless data transforms into actionable intelligence that makes it possible for the lab to immediately spot trends or changes in critical areas such as client volume, turn around time, and urgent service cases. With, lab staff is empowered to take action before challenges turn into major issues...translating into a consistent, higher level of client service. The kind of service that leads to new clients wins and volume growth from existing clients.

To learn more about and how we help leading labs across the globe proactively manager their organization and clients, I encourage you to download our new case study featuring South Bend Medical Foundation.

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