I just completed several on-site meetings with mid-sized labs and found a common thread of concern: losing business to the big name labs.  

They all felt that client service was the main differentiator that they could hang their hats on.  Many times, client service resolution times are lengthy with the large labs due to 800 numbers and waiting on hold or leaving a message and waiting for a return call.  I introduced them to the hc1.com Healthcare Relationship Management service, which is a Lab focused CRM solution that can help labs of all sizes and kinds be proactive in their approach to superior client service.  By leveraging hc1.com, labs can spot client service trends before they become issues.

In addition, the labs that I met with loved the fact that they could get rid of their sticky notes and multiple system logins related to certain clients -- all while proactively addressing client needs.  Because hc1.com seamlessly integrates to your lab's current systems (without having to replace them), it provides a 360-degree view of every provider.  The icing on the cake is that hc1.com makes it possible for lab personnel to assign tasks internally and externally that tie into case management to ultimately reduce resolution time and avoid duplicate efforts.

The best feeling in the world is knowing that your solution fulfills a pressing need and is received with open arms.  hc1.com's Healthcare Relationship Management solution is truly on the forefront of innovation.

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