On Wednesday, June 27, during hc1.com and G2 Intelligence's labcast featuring Doug VanOort, CEO of NeoGenomics, viewers were asked questions regarding their lab's current retention rate and lab systems and processes. The webinar proved to be a huge success, with more than 100 attendees tuning in.

The results for the first poll, "What is your lab's current retention rate," shows that the majority of labs are either unsure of their performance or know that they need to improve.

Question #1:

So if most labs -- 60% of attendees! -- either aren't sure where they stand or know that they need to improve, what's the most troubling obstacle? For 30% of labs, the root issue is that they have no means of measuring ongoing client satisfaction. Without solid laboratory analytics, it's impossible to have a benchmark or quick insight into issues. 

All in all, the poll reconfirmed why healthcare CRM is so important. When a lab can develop and maintain loyal relationships with their customer by delivering superior service, it gives them a competitive advantage.

 In my next post, I'll reveal one last poll question that also deals with lab CRM and has some results that might surprise you.

To learn more about lab CRM and what it means to your lab, contact hc1.com.


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