When I meet with clinical reference labs and anatomic pathology labs, it is fairly obvious early in the process whether or not they are open to embracing new ideas and new technologies that help with gaining better visibility into critical lab analytics. There is a clear line of delineation between labs that are positioning their organizations for success versus those who are not.

What makes one medical laboratory better than the other?  Is it because they are more passionate about their lab informatics and want greater access to the intelligence locked down in their various data systems? Do they care more about delivering the best results in the fastest time possible? Do they genuinely care more about how efficiently and profitably they run their businesses? Do they care about patient care?

It's a loaded question, but I'm certain of this:

Labs that are focused on better mining their data, lab metrics, and lab analytics are winning on both ends: with their providers and with patients. By delivering the very best information as quickly as possible, they are making their providers lives easier while arming physicians with the data points necessary to deliver the very highest level of patient care. These labs demonstrate their commitment to their customers while improving patient care -- and not surprisingly, these labs are oftentimes more profitable than their competitors. 

How are leading labs accomplishing this kind of visibility? hc1.com, a cloud-based healthcare CRM solution,  brings real-time clinical and business information together like never before.  To learn more about hc1.com, schedule a personalized demo.

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