Tags: hc1.com

After work hours on Tuesday, July 15th, hc1.com® executive team members presented a "Tech Talk" to the Indy Xterns about the hc1.com Healthcare Relationship Cloud™ and its impact on the overall healthcare experience. CEO Brad Bostic, Chief Technology Officer Tom Cooper, and VP of Platform and Product Tim Kauble were among those on the leadership team that spoke, talking about their lives as developers.

Every Tuesday, during the Xternship, the Xterns visit a participating company's office where they hear about the company's history, evolving mission, and exciting new happenings within the organization. These Tech Talks are a part of TechPoint's IndyXtern program, which is designed to connect interns to Indianapolis technology companies in order to expand their view of the city through more than just their own employees. Read more about the IndyXtern program here.

Tech Talks are engaging, where a Xtern can experience the excitement and appreciation for another organization outside of their own company. This beneficial experience is a part of what makes the Xternship meaningful in professionalism, networking, and social advocacy.

The Tech Talk was held in hc1.com's interactive client training room, hc1 Academy. Snacks, drinks, and "swag bags" were provided as the talk was broken into three parts. Brad Bostic presented the overall goal and motivation of hc1.com: personalizing and contributing to the betterment of healthcare. He also gave an overview on the old model of healthcare and how it compares to the model of how it should be. The relationships between the patient, provider, and all of the connected healthcare entities is crucial to hc1.com's platform and how it helps solve industry challenges.

Chief Technology Officer Tom Cooper took another approach. He explained his professional history and his desire for innovation at hc1.com due to healthcare's applicability in his life and his friends' and family's lives. VP of Platform and Product Tim Kauble spoke to hc1.com's roadmap and all of the exciting new features the company will be rolling out in the coming months.

After the talk, the Xterns stayed after for a Q&A session and a tour of the new hc1.com office. A big thanks to both the hc1.com side and TechPoint side for making this event a huge success! For more information about the IndyX program, visit their website.

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