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Today, hc1.com® is happy to announce the addition of Dr. Charlie Miraglia to our Executive Team. Charlie joins the hc1 team after serving on our Medical Advisory Board, where he helped ensure that the hc1 solution met the diagnostic-specific needs of healthcare organizations.


As the Chief Medical Officer at hc1.com, Dr. Miraglia is responsible for engaging with physicians, healthcare executives, and other industry thought leaders to identify current challenges in the delivery of care in order to develop timely and effective solutions to help improve engagement of patients and providers.

“I am excited to join hc1.com in the capacity of Chief Medical Officer,” says Dr. Miraglia. “The opportunity for high-growth technology companies in healthcare right now is astronomical, and hc1.com has proven itself the #1 healthcare relationship management solution on the market. Healthcare is rapidly changing, and patients now expect personalized care, which is made possible through hc1.”

For nearly 30 years, Charlie has made significant contributions to the academic, clinical, and business missions of a diverse group of healthcare organizations. Prior to his role at hc1.com, Charlie served as Chief Medical Officer for Sonic Healthcare USA. He was also previously the Vice President and Medical Director at LabCorp, as well as the CEO of PA Labs. Charlie received his Medical Degree from Wake Forest University, holds a Master of Science degree in Pathology from Duke, and trained in Clinical Pathology and Transfusion Medicine at the University of Virginia.

In his new role as Chief Medical Officer, Charlie is already publishing a weekly blog series where he discussed challenges and opportunities facing healthcare today. Read his latest entry here. Charlie's deep knowledge of the industry coupled with his distinct sense of humor make his thought leadership an informative pleasure to read.

We are extremely happy to welcome Charlie to the hc1 family, and are always looking for driven professionals to join the team! Check out all of our job postings here.

Read the full press release here.

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