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Although Buddy the Elf says that the best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear, our hc1 Communities team believes the best way to spread cheer is by volunteering!

This past week, some of our team members took on the 18th annual We Care craft event at the Lily Boys and Girls Club. During this high-energy afternoon, we worked with dozens of kids to help them create holiday gifts for their family and friends. From snow globes to ornaments, the kids had the opportunity to craft a large variety of special items. Our booth in particular helped the children make Christmas cards with finger paints, ribbons, and the ever popular “googly eyes.” Finger painting always seem like a splendid idea until the first 2nd grade gets paint in his hair. *moms everywhere nod their heads*

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The kids also had the option of writing a personalized message inside of their card, to give to whoever they wanted. From parents, to siblings, to grandparents (and even some “girlfriends”), it was a joy to watch as the students wrote letters from the heart. There is nothing that quite sums up the meaning of holiday cheer like watching a fifth grader write a note about how much she loves her sister. No doubt about it, hearts were melting all around the gymnasium. Many of the students even made multiple cards, just to make sure no one in their family felt left out.

Aside from the act of making the actual cards, it was the time we spent talking to the kids and laughing with them that was the most valuable to our team. From the candid kindergartner who told us she “doesn’t really like school” to the 7-year-old boy who gave such a genuine ‘thank you’ and told us our craft was his favorite, the kids who participated in We Care were a great reminder of what this season is all about – giving back and spreading cheer!
Not only were the kids appreciative of our time, but the employees at Herman Miller were extremely grateful for our participation and made sure to let us know. hc1 Communities extends a huge THANK YOU! to the Herman Miller team and the work they put in to this event. We Care is now an active event in 28 cities all over the United States and Canada, which means companies everywhere are having the opportunity to spread the holiday spirit and engage with students in their communities.

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I am thankful to work at a company that realizes the importance of mentoring youth and that gives us the opportunity to do so. To know that I helped put a smile on the face of dozens of kids makes this holiday season sweet. To know I did it alongside my co-workers makes it that much sweeter. Happy Holidays!

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