hc1.com will be the Platinum sponsor of the upcoming G2 Lab Institute event, taking place October 10th-12th at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA. 

The event will draw laboratory executives and leaders from across the country. In its 30th year, the G2 Lab Institute conference is a unique event enabling laboratory, pathology, and health system constituencies to discuss pressing industry trends.

As the Platinum sponsor, hc1.com will be featured during the opening reception on October 10th, held in the exhibit area. A team of hc1.com experts will be available to share more about the unique hc1.com Healthcare Relationship Management solution, which includes Healthcare CRM, Healthcare Business Intelligence (BI) and Alerts, and Secure Communications.

In addition to being a consistent sponsor of G2 Intelligence events, hc1.com recently partnered with the CLMA and Chi Solutions for an exclusive audioLab: "Unlocking a 360-Degree View of Your Customer Data." The audioLab was attended by hundreds of laboratory professionals and co-hosted by hc1.com CEO Brad Bostic and Chi Solutions CEO Kathleen Murphy, PhD. A whitepaper on the same topic is available here.

hc1.com has gained the attention of leading lab industry and technology publications, with recent features within the Dark Report, Dark Daily, medGadget, and ZDNet

Live demonstrations of the hc1.com solution will be performed in the exhibit area at G2 Lab Institute. We look forward to seeing you there!


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