With the onslaught of changing government regulations and changing payment guidelines, the pressure is on for medical laboratories to provide value-driven service to their clients and patients - and hc1.com is here to help them remain competitive.

In a press release published by The Dark Report, Robert L. Michel, Editor-In-Chief of The Dark Report, said, "Healthcare reform and other modifications to reimbursement are creating a dynamic and unpredictable environment for laboratories and pathologists to run their businesses. If clinical laboratories want to stay competitive, they need to leverage enormous caches of business and clinical data they generate."

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Tomorrow's successful labs will have to be able to focus on critical issues, drive action, and ensure accountability within every department. The way to ensure this success is with the Healthcare Relationship Cloud™, which enables labs to gain a real-time, 360-degree view of each provider to facilitate world-class client service.

The Dark Report published a free whitepaper, "A Laboratory Executive's Guide to Intelligently Reducing Costs While Achieving Operational Excellence and Superior Client Service: Using the Healthcare Relationship Cloud™ to Remain Competitive in Today's Environment." With this whitepaper, you will learn about overcoming obstacles to efficiency and relationship management, the new formula for ongoing laboratory success, and key elements to sustaining clinical lab quality. Also included are three case studies of laboratories that have reduced costs and increased efficiency while achieving operational excellence. Download your free whitepaper here!

Read the full press release here.

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