Last week, team members made the short flight to Washington D.C. for the G2 Lab Institute. Each year Washington D.C. plays host to the G2 Lab Institute, a conference for laboratory representatives from across the nation. This year the conference was hosted at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City from October 16th - October 18th. attended this year as a Platinum Sponsor, exhibiting their cloud-based Healthcare Relationship Management solution. In addition to exhibiting, the team also hosted their annual Executive Luncheon at the historic Hay-Adams Hotel.

During the Luncheon, guest speaker Paul Greenberg spoke on the importance of CRM. Paul Greenberg is a renowned expert on CRM, and a founding partner of the CRM  training company, BPT Partners. During his presentation, Paul discussed why Healthcare Relationship Management (HRM) is so important as a whole, and specifically to the Healthcare Industry. He cited also how important relationship management is to industries outside healthcare (i.e. hotels). After Paul spoke, Brad Bostic, CEO and founder of, spoke on how can help lab leaders with these ideas to win more clients and keep them for life.

After the Executive Luncheon, the sales team stayed for the final two days of the G2 Lab Institute. They manned the booth during the day, and also co-hosted with Xifin and Atlas Medical entitled, "Everything is Better in the Cloud." You can read more about this event here is a company with the ultimate cloud-based Healthcare Relationship Management solution. This solution includes a Healthcare CRM as well as Healthcare Alerts and Insights. With, laboratories and radiology practices have the ability to keep track of activity throughout the entire Healthcare Continuum of Care. Learn more here.


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