Unlocking a 360-Degree View of Your Lab’s Data

How to Create Lifelong Client Relationships by Transforming Disjointed Data into Powerful Intelligence

Thursday, September 13, 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST

Registration Fee: Waived, courtesy of hc1.com

Hosted by: Brad Bostic, CEO of hc1.com
Special Guest: Kathleen Murphy, PhD, President of Chi Solutions

Is your lab a step ahead or falling behind when it comes to making excellence in client service its top priority? What is the secret to unlocking a 360-Degree view of your lab’s endless data in order to produce lifelong relationships? And more importantly, how will a comprehensive client view impact your lab’s bottom line?

Please join hc1.com CEO Brad Bostic and Chi Solutions President Kathleen Murphy to learn how to:

  • Transform information silos into real-time intelligence that enables your lab to confidently make decisions
  • Harness the power of Healthcare Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Business Intelligence (BI) in order to consistently deliver proactive, tailored client care.
  • Manage and measure performance in a way that makes every ordering provider feel like your lab’s most important client.
  • Set employees up for success by eliminating duplicate work and tiresome manual processes Space is limited – register now for this complimentary audioLab!

Space is limited - sign up for the webinar now!

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