F5 Networks Inc, a leader in Application Delivery Networking (ADN), recently surveyed more than 300 organizations to better understand their reliance on applications and their thoughts on security, reliability, and performance. The survey also uncovered what areas they believe will be most important in 2015 and beyond.

One of the hottest topics in the survey was security - it kept coming up over and over. Mobile applications and private cloud environments must be secure in any industry, but in healthcare this is especially so. With the added importance of HIPAA-compliancy, PHI, and patient information housed in EMRs, security isn't just an added bonus - it's a must-have.

In hc1.com, we have bulked up our security standards to ensure complete security and privacy, including:

  • Separate cloud environments inside the Healthcare Relationship Cloud platform that prevent the co-mingling of client data
  • A solution that was custom-built for healthcare, meaning that it is fully HIPAA-compliant and protected
  • Data encrypted in transit and at rest to ensure complete security of PHI

Here is a blurb from the larger F5 report, which is available here:

App Delivery

hc1.com understands the importance of data security in this new era of mobile health. To learn more about hc1.com's security protocol, call 317-219-4646 today!

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