As one of America’s largest pediatric health care and research centers, Nationwide Children’s Hospital facilitates more than 1 million patient visits each year. With more than 10,300 hospital staff and 1,200 medical staff, the hospital’s leadership knew that the only way to deliver exceptional service was to have an up-to-the-minute, complete picture of every client.

When the hospital engaged with in April 2013, it, like many hospitals, employed multiple information systems and spreadsheets to track critical information about clients and leads. The hospital's fractured tracking systems and siloed information meant it took a single full-time employee two days to pull together a standard performance report.

Hospital leadership recognized that pertinent information was not seamlessly flowing between departments, creating communication breakdown and redundant work.

The hospital launched hc1 to create visibility between sales and services. The decision to implement hc1, was “based heavily on the communication and reporting capabilities,” said Juli Willbarger, Business Development Supervisor for the hospital. “By bringing in a healthcare-specific CRM we gained the ability to integrate data from multiple systems for a holistic real-time view."

Based on the success of the initial engagement, Nationwide Children’s Hospital has since expanded its use of hc1 to include financial data, client communications and enhanced workflows. The hospital has continued to deepen its use of hc1 throughout every department.

Today, the hospital is confidently using complete, accurate data to keep departments aligned and make better decisions. With hc1, Nationwide Children’s Hospital can now:

  • Proactively address physician client needs
  • Assess each department’s performance in real-time
  • Quickly pinpoint areas of concern or opportunity, such as most profitable client types

Last year, Nationwide Children’s Hospital achieved record sales and managed all client and prospective client accounts within the hc1 platform. The end result is amazing service that fosters growth.

Read the entire Nationwide Children's Hospital case study here.

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