This week I sat down with Scott Taillie and Dominique Delagnes of Alere Toxicology, a client and global leader in the Toxicology testing space. After catching up and hearing about their exciting plans for the future, I wanted to take a step back and review "the time before" and why they ultimately chose as their healthcare-specific and cloud-based solution.

Users background:

Scott Taillie is the VP of Business Development and is a special user of as he continues to roll-out the solution across multiple divisions. Dominique Delagnes is the Laboratory Site Manager for the Richmond Laboratory and is also a special user from an operational perspective.

Background on Alere Toxicology:

Alere Toxicology has been rapidly growing via acquisitions and originally saw as a way for their executives to identify KPI's across multiple locations or within one location. Acquisitions can sometimes result in disparate systems and data silos. For example, if an executive wanted to compile a report on each lab's performance from that month, quarter, or year, he/she would have to go through each laboratory manager to find these metrics and then go back and combine all of this into one single report. Alere is compromised of 5 lab locations in the U.S., each with KPIs in management, operations, and sales. The Alere management team uses to access a 360-degree view of clinical and business activities within each laboratory and the laboratory network as a whole.

In Dominique's case, she needed a solution that could provide daily monitoring and trending stats for volume and TAT monitoring. She also needed the ability to break out data by lab, screening/results, client, market segment, specimen type, and panel/tests. With, Dominique has real time metrics, such as the percentage of negatives and the time of their arrival, and can now break out this data by days and labs with the best TAT, clients with the best TAT, and specimen types with the best TAT.

Scott was aware of physicians having multiple points of contacts and needed a proactive way to address client needs. One client could have specimens go to multiple labs and therefore would have to call all labs to get info on each of their specimens. With, Scott now has a cloud-based solution that allows him to see every specimen, regardless of where it was received, and can proactively keep his clients informed.


With Healthcare Relationship Management, Alere can now:

  • Consolidate all laboratory and customer information into a single solution
  • Access real-time metrics and alerts available and specific to each department
  • Proactively communicate and address all customer issues


Earlier this year, Scott was the featured speaker during a webinar titled "5 Habits of High Performance Laboratories".  Scott demonstrated to the hundreds of viewers ways in which Alere leverages critical intelligence to deliver superior outcomes.




Thank you to Scott and Dominique for taking time to meet and fill us in on the exciting things Alere is doing to position them as a global Toxicology leader and how is helping them achieve this through growth and superior client service. We look forward to seeing even more success from these two and the Alere team. For more on Alere Toxicology, visit their website.

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