In a recent article titled "5 Cloud Computing Advantages for the Healthcare Industry" by Rick Blaisdell from, he discusses how cloud computing is being adopted more in the healthcare industry, as well as the benefits it brings. 

He discusses how the healthcare industry is constantly evolving and how "delivering higher quality medical services for less money" is becoming increasingly important. Furthermore, many hospitals, doctors, and health institutions are looking to increase their efficiency while continually cutting back on spending. He states, "Cloud computing provides to the health care environment the opportunity to improve services for patients, to easily share information, to improve operational efficiency, and to streamline costs." Cloud computing allows you to share information across many devices, which will result in improved efficiency across the company, as well as cutting back on time, which in turn saves you money.

Cloud Computing Benefits:


He talks about how in many daily situations information may be needed in two places at once. Cloud computing enables you to link and share that data in real time with multiple sources.

For example, allows your VP of sales to have a pulse on a client’s status while his sales rep is out in the field leveraging this same actionable intelligence with a mobile device.


Cloud computing services are able to update quicker, and they are able to do so without interrupting the service being performed at the time. Furthermore, with cloud computing you can gain real time updates of test and patient information.

Rather than waiting weeks or even months to compile reports with excel spreadsheets, allows you to see clinical and business information in real-time.


When healthcare providers use cloud-based systems, the doctors are able to gain access to information from any mobile device or tablet.

Take the hc1 Healthcare Relationship Management Cloud  with you wherever you go, whether it be your tablet, laptop, or mobile device.

Security and Privacy

Cloud-based systems offer great security and privacy, as many of them offer systems that are HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant.

Feel at ease with secure messaging and alerts. With's roles-based dashboards, manage who can or cannot see or edit specific dashboards and reports.

Decreased Costs

With cloud computing, it's not necessary to have hardware and software products installed because the team behind the cloud computing system takes care of everything. can instantly connect to any of your data silos. We are a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution that you can pay based on a subscription and no installation is required. Our on-going training and R&D (Research and Development) frees up time and resources for your IT department.

Industry thought leaders are on board with Cloud Computing in Healthcare, and we believe the hc1 Healthcare Relationship Management Cloud will define industry winners and losers in the coming years.

Find out more here.


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