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The Aidan Brown Foundation aims to help children with cancer stay positive by providing much-needed distractions and aiding in connecting them to people, places and things that they love. We hope to achieve this by raising funds to buy and give iPads to children, of all ages, undergoing cancer treatments in Indiana. Since it’s inception in 2010, over 200 iPads have been gifted.


Aidan's Story

Aidan was first diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma when he was five years old. He is currently battling a relapse, which began in June 2014. The immediate and constant outpouring of support, prayers and gifts from family, friends and the community continues to help Aidan during this battle led to the establishment of the Aidan Brown Foundation.

When Aidan was asked what children in the hospital needed, he answered "visitors." However, the next thing on his list was his iPad. This generous gift from a family friend helps distract Aidan during painful procedures. It helps him pass time at the hospital waiting. It keeps him busy when receiving and recovering from treatments. This small device is loaded with his favorite shows, songs and games.

He hopes these gifts will help other children with their fight and to stay strong and positive on their journey to Cured and Comfortable just as it does for him.

The Aidan Brown Foundation 5K

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Join Aidan, his friends & family, and hc1.com at this fun-filled 5K!

When: Saturday, November 15, 2014
Where: Fall Creek and 16th Street Park
Registration: $25

To sign up:

1. Visit http://activeindytours.com/event-registration/
2. Choose the Aidan Brown Foundation Race 5K
3. Click the date and click "continue"
4. You can sign up for 1 person at a time or multiple, so choose how many participants and put in your/their information.
5. When prompted to pay, you can pay either via Paypal, or credit card.

Don't forget to share this awesome event with your friends and family!

Learn more about the Aidan Brown Foundation here.

The Aidan Brown Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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