Like their counterparts in the industry, healthcare executives and decision makers are now responsible for complying with a myriad of government-backed regulations and value-based payment models. These models are in place to ensure the delivery of quality, patient-focused, value-based care to patients, constituents, and stakeholders across healthcare networks. 

Here are 3 ways healthcare organizations can successful deliver on the promises of value-based care and comply with value-based payment models:

Increase Transparency & Visibility

Easily comply with new regulations by tracking detailed patient insights. Stay on top of value-based payment rules, like the CJR 90-day rule, and ensure you're sending patients home when they're healthy to minimize the risk of readmissions. Reduce inaccurate reporting and errors to ensure quality care at every step of the care journey. 

Decrease Readmission Rates

When patients are correctly discharged and proactively followed up with, readmission rates will drastically fall.  With a renewed focus on patient outcomes, healthcare providers can set measurable benchmarks around key readmission metrics such as length of stay and cost-per-patient. Reducing readmissions means fewer compliancy fines, which can help increase an organization's bottom line. 

Better Manage Healthcare Relationships

Establish your health system as a value-focused, credible organization by keeping tabs on compliant physicians, specialties, and outpatient facilities. Increasing transparency and visibility between key stakeholders can minimize risk and decrease critical issues. Network leaders can know where operational inefficiencies are occurring and take proactive steps towards modifying processes.


With these solutions in place, delivering the highest quality care to patients is no longer a question - it's a must. You can learn more by requesting a demonstration of the hc1 healthcare CRM platform here.

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