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Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday for the 2nd Annual Aidan Brown Foundation 5K - together we raised over $20,000 for children in Indiana battling cancer!

Check out these AMAZING stats:

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  • 198 registered race participants! Thanks so much to all of our runners, walkers, and dogs that came out to support the cause - together you raised $5,940 for ABF!
  • Over 250 raffle tickets sold! Our raffle was new this year, and boy did it not disappoint! Congrats to all the winners, enjoy the prizes (even we are a little jealous of that Cancun vacation!), and celebrate - the raffle brought in over $2,000!
  • Almost $13,000 in donations before, during, and after the race. It's this number that really hits home for us here at hc1 Communities and ABF. It is thanks to these donations that the ABF is able to make such a measurable difference in our community.

We also want to extend a HUGE thank you to all of our generous sponsors, volunteers, and raffle donators, especially Coach Greg of Indy Invaders. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on the 3rd Annual ABF5K happening Fall 2016!

Check out this video highlighting the event here!

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